Logan is doing very well this Autumn. Yes, he has started to throw tantrums more often, but they are generally not too severe, and we’ve devised strategies for reducing them. Taking his beloved blankie on outings is key. Although Logan’s fits of pique are never fun, they are a small price to pay for everything that is so wonderful about him.
More than ever, Logan is industrious. Except when he’s really tired, Logan always has some project he’s working on. Lately, his projects usually have something to do with sorting or stacking his toys. He loves to line up all his vehicles, and often he’ll try to count them (he can accurately count up to four). All this activity usually results in a gigantic mess, but he has gotten much better at helping us clean up.
Logan is addicted to Janet’s iPad and especially loves playing Monkey Preschool Lunchbox, which he calls Pee-skoo! The game involves several kinds of puzzles, which he has pretty much mastered at this point. Because of that, boredom with the game is creeping in and he’s taken to closing the app and opening random apps to see what looks like fun. He is especially pleased when he manages to open the app that shows kids videos on YouTube.
He is also starting to get adjectives. Right now everything is big…big truck, big train, big whatever. Yesterday he did something hilarious by running back and forth between the handvac and the floor vacuum and saying little va-koom and big va-koom! He’s got all the colors down, and he understands when something is high up. It’s fun watching his language become more sophisticated.
Music is also starting to creep into his play. He knows the word song and will “sing” along with drumming. Oh, yes, Logan is a drummer—he loves to bang on anything that will make a rhythm. We can see a drum set in his near future (and more aspirin for us).
And Logan is as hilarious as ever. He loves to laugh, and he makes us chuckle every day. He is quickly growing up to be a happy, adventurous, curious, and very willful child.