He’s here!!! Logan Kyle Bowie came into the world today, August 16th, at 12:48pm. He was 2lb, 8oz and 16 1/4 inches long at delivery. He has been named after his maternal grandfathers.
Mom’s system started to crash last night and this morning the doctors decided it was time to deliver. Janet and I were surprisingly calm during this time, in large part because of our confidence in the medical team at BWH. We also felt good that Janet was able to give Logan an extra two weeks of development in the womb, which is no small deal.
It started with some final exams of mom and the womb.
Afterwards they whisked Mom away to be prepped for the C-section.
While she was being prepped, I was put into scrubs and made to wait. I was told it would be around 15 minutes, but it turned into 45! Talk about a long wait. Here I am trying to be calm…
They took me in to the ER as soon as they were ready to being the procedure. They had a chair for me by Janet’s head so I could hold her hand and talk with her.
The excellent anesthesiologist, Dr. Steven Barnes, was also back there with us with all the fancy equipment (and the machine that goes *ping*). We couldn’t see anything of the operation (thankfully) because of a curtain they had up at her chest, but Dr. Barnes let us know whenever anything big was happening. Fortunately, Janet couldn’t feel a thing, although she could sense that things were happening with her body.
After about 45 minutes or so, little Logan was brought out into the world. They cleaned him up a bit and got him hooked to the monitors and ventilator, which only took about 10 minutes. They then let me come over and say hi. I was struck by how small and red he was, but I also fell in love with him instantly.
A little later Mom got to see him for just a moment and then they took him right to the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). They got mom put back together and sent us back to rest.
We can’t say that this is how we wanted Logan to come into the world, but we are deeply grateful for him. He is by all accounts healthy and even somewhat developed beyond what an average 28-week baby shows. We also know that our journey is nowhere near over…we’ve only rounded a corner. But Logan is in the best NICU facility in the country and we are confident that he will get the care he needs. We can’t wait to get to know him, to see him grow, smile, play, talk, and thrive. Welcome, little Logan—we will do the very best we can to make this difficult entry worthwhile. We love you.